Thursday, February 28, 2008

Our Final Work!

Project description: Street Dance Education Website
The website will be a flash website about street dance genres, and the whole site will be based on the image of a street dance club called “Foreign Bodies”. The purpose of the whole project is to raise widespread interest in street dance, and raise the profile of the dance genres in the name of “Foreign Bodies”.

Target audience: Young teens to young adults.

Who is “Foreign Bodies”?
The Foreign Bodies dance group is a street dance club in Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore. They have been around since 1994 and are one of the most active clubs in Singapore’s street dance scene. The club is being run by solely students, without the help of professional instructors or choreographers, hence widely respected and looked up upon by many for the club’s spirit of independence and their passion for street dance.

Foreign Bodies hopes to be able to reach out to more people and share the knowledge of different street dance genres, such as “Locking”, “Popping”, “Hip Hop” and “NewStyle”.

Why Foreign Bodies?
Over the years, Foreign Bodies has gained much popularity and support within the dance community. Hence we can make use of the club’s credibility and reputation in the dance scene to educate the masses about street dance and raise its profile.

Project Goals & Objectives:

Problems to be solved:
• Lack of knowledge in street dance among the public
• Low profile of various dance genres
• Stereotyping of street dance (such as hip hop = doing breakdancing).
Proposed product:
A complete Flash Website, with the following sections to educate about street dance.
• “Styles” Section
o Showcases 4 different dance genres, each taking 1 subsection:
-Hip Hop
o Each dance genre has 1 demo video clip and 1 performance clip.
• “Groove It!” section
o Provides simple dance tutorials for each of the 4 dance genres.
• About Foreign Bodies
o Introduce the club and explain its brief history.
Anticipated Outcome:
The site will clearly show the difference in each respective street dance genres, and educate the users about the basic knowledge of each genre.

Users are expected to gain an understanding of the characteristics of the genres and be impressed by the energy and vibrancy presented by the dancers within the site.

Project Key Personnel

Every successful project requires a cooperative team, and it’s no exception for our project. Here’s the key personnel of this project and their respective roles, arranged according to order of duties:

Lee Zijun:
-Graphic design (interface design and packaging design)
-Flash scripting
-Assistance with filming
-Information Flowchart

Soh Chun Kiat:
-Graphic design (interface design)
-Music editing for videos
-Cameraman for filming
-Video editing (compilation clips)
-Project report

Tay Chao Zhong:
-Video editing (dance tutorials and demonstration clips)
-Cameraman for filming
-Assistance with graphic design

Yeow Jia Lin:
-Flash Scripting
-Assistance with filming
-Assistance with graphic design

Project Supervisors: Mr Stephen Choong, Ms Lee Wee Na, Mr Ignatius Tan
-Provides advice on site interface and interaction design
-Ensures that the project is on the right track and direction

Work breakdown & Schedule

The following shows the tasks to be accomplished within the 3 weeks project duration. The dates in brackets are the dates each task was accomplished.

Week 1:
• Project concepts proposal (13th Feb)
• First draft interface design (15th Feb)

Week 2:
• First draft storyboard (18th Feb)
• Filming of videos (19th Feb)
• Improvised interface design (20th Feb)
• Implementation of flash scripts (20th Feb)
• Complete first prototype (22nd Feb)

Week 3:
• Finalised interface design (25th Feb)
• Completion of video-editing (27th Feb)
• Final Information flowchart and storyboard (28th Feb)
• Project report (28th Feb)
• Complete project application (28th Feb)
• Project presentation (29th Feb)

Facilities used
The following venues of Nanyang Polytechnic were used in the process of our project development:

• Block Q computer labs Q313 and Q314
• The amphitheatre for video taking
• Block E level 3 forum for video taking

Additional resources acquired:
• Video camera
• Camera tripod
• Foreign Bodies’ dance videos

Software used:
• Macromedia Flash 8 Professional
• Adobe Photoshop CS2
• Adobe Illustrator CS2
• Adobe After Effects 6.5
• Final Cut Pro
• Soundtrack Pro
• LiveType

Problems encountered
Various problems were encountered during the course of our project. Here are the problems that we had to solve:

Lack of filming facilities:
As we had intended to film dance videos on our own for our project, we badly needed an appropriate venue for filming. However, we were unable to book the school’s video production studio for filming nor did we have any filming equipments.
Hence, we went around the school and decided to film our videos at the school’s amphitheatre, where the walls are all light grey. Although it wasn’t like an actual filming studio, we could still take our videos well and it look rather professionally taken after editing. As for the filming equipments, we managed to borrow a DV camera from a friend so it wasn’t much of a problem.

Because we are doing on dance, we have to use videos in our site widely and it we have not handled videos in flash before. We tried importing to the stage directly, but realise that we have very little controls over the playing and looping of the videos. Furthermore, it causes the file size to increase. So in the end we managed to source for scripts regarding the loading of videos externally so that we can have more controls.

Future Enhancements
This project currently focuses on only 4 street dance genres. Hence, in the future it could be expanded to include more dance genres such as Lyrical Hip Hop, Ghetto, Krumping, Clowning, Breakdance and many more. This would expand the range of knowledge that each user can acquire from our site.

Also, the site could be made more interactive for the users. Interactive dance games can be included to engage the users further in knowing more about street dance.

This project wouldn’t have been made possible without the following personnel:

• Project supervisors (Mr Stephen Choong, Ms Lee Wee Na, Mr Ignatius Tan)
o For providing invaluable advice and guidance.
• NYP Student Affairs Officers
o For approving the use of the amphitheatre for filming.
• Foreign Bodies Dancers (Wei Keat, Wei Fong, Lesner, Ryuta)
o For agreeing to be filmed for our site’s videos.
o For the video camera that Wei Fong provided.
• Ian Poh Wei Yi
o For providing many footage of Foreign Bodies for our use and references.

•, our blog host.
• and Flickr, our major research resources.
•, for countless inspirations.

Last but not least, big thanks to those who supported us and gave us encouragements, advice and help along the way. THANK YOU! =)

Project Progress Update

Phews! We're left with just 1 more day to go!

Icebox is getting excited, nervous, yet eager at the same time. We anxiously anticipated the end of this studio project, but there's no doubt that we are still striving to do our best before this studio project comes to an end.

So far our progress is good, but there's still work to be done.
Videos edited, graphics done, packaging printed, and project report nearly completed. But the application itself is giving us problems and we're still frantically trying to solve the problems right now...

Still, we're hopeful of completing everything on time. =)

Here's a sneak preview of our application interface design. We're just releasing a few pictures, coz we want most of our stuffs to be kept under wraps. After our presentation tomorrow, we'll upload everything online and the url to our final application will be provided here. =)


Splash Page's background

Border design for video

Hip hop compilation clip screenshot


That shall be all we'll reveal for now. Check out this blog for our final application tomorrow yo!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Production Time!


Yesterday, IceBox had a video-taking sessions of various Foreign Bodies dancers! Each dancer showcased their expertise dance genre, and we captured footages of their slick moves. We hope to make use of these videos to help educate the masses about various street dance styles.

For now, let the pictures below do the talking. Videos to be uploaded here soon!

  DSC00048 DSC00050DSC00051 DSC00053DSC00055

Thursday, February 14, 2008

In Demand!

This is what we discovered on Yahoo's search engine, when we typed in "Foreign Bodies"!

Apparently the club is so popular that there are even demands for information regarding the club's auditions! The club's motto of "school of groove" appears to be widely known too. It's really cool for a school-based club to receive such widespread attention on the internet!

As such, Icebox will work on the popularity of FB and make use of our project to enhance the name of the club further, and also to educate the masses more about dance. Everybody should dance! Yea!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Logo!



IceBox is proud to present our own team logo design!


Okay it isn't really a logo, but at least it represents us. =) 
Hope you guys like it!


Concept: Official “Foreign Bodies” website

Who is “Foreign Bodies”?

The Foreign Bodies dance group is a street dance club in NYP. They have been around since 1994 and are one of the active clubs in the street dance scene. The club is being run by solely students, without the help of professional instructors or choreographers.

Foreign Bodies hopes to be able to reach out to more dancers and share the way they function as a club, the type of styles they go into, and attract both dancers and non-dancers to join the club.

Project Objective:

- To tell the viewer about the club, its history and its direction
- To educate people about Street Styles
- Show off the talent of the club

- Promote the club and attract people to join the club.

Project Contents:

A complete Flash Website, with the following sections and subsections:

  • Introduction to Foreign Bodies
    • Introduce the club and explain its brief history.
    • Showcases various landmark achievements of the club
  • Video Section
    • Split into 2 categories: “Performances” and “Our Styles”
    • “Our Styles” would consist of videos showcasing the different styles of dance that the club adopt.
  • Gallery Section
    • Showcases images of the club’s activities and personnel.
    • Showcases images of the club’s T-shirt designs over the years.
  • News Section
    • Frequently updated with latest news from the club for visitors
  • Links Section
    • Provide links to sites related to Foreign Bodies

Information Flowchart: